Fake News
Read the following two long form magazine articles and the newspaper article:
- How America Lost its Mind (*Yes, I love The Atlantic*)
- Inside the Two Years That Shook Facebook—and the World
- The Age of Post-Truth Politics
Answer the following questions:
- What is fake news? If you don’t know, go look it up.
- What is your immediate reaction to these articles? What stood out to you?
- Do you agree/disagree with “America losing its mind?”
- Do you think the term “fake news” is accurate? Why or why not. What word would you use in its place?
- Should Facebook or other sites be held to a journalistic standard? What standard do you think that should be? Should people be held to a standard?
- Discuss what is going on with Facebook in the WIRED article.
- Should truth be up for debate?
- Prompt: Everyone should be allowed to have a voice on the internet.
- Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why do you agree or disagree? Give one (or more) positive example of how voices on the internet have helped. Think of at least one negative example?
- Then read these articles & videos, then go back to what you wrote and further expand on your answer.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Last Week Tonight
All The President’s Men
Woodward and Bernstein: Lighting the Fire (2006)